Manufacturer : GC America
GC Initial MC Porcelain GM-23 20g | MPN # 870155 SKU : GCU70
GC Initial MC Porcelain GM-24 20g | MPN # 870156 SKU: GCI112
GC Initial MC Porcelain GM-34 20g | MPN # 870157 SKU: GCT17B
GC Initial MC Porcelain GM-35 20g | MPN # 870158
GC Initial MC Porcelain GM-36 20g | MPN # 870159
Description :
GC Initial MC is a metal ceramic specifically adapted for all conventional alloy types within a CTE range of 13.8 to 14.9 x10-6K-1 (25-500°C), irrespective of whether they contain silver, have a reduced gold content or are palladium-based, as well as veneering NPA and galvano crowns.