Manufacturer : Whip Mix Corp
Whip Mix Flow Stone Buff 35lb | MPN # 330071 SKU : WMF23
Whip Mix Flow Stone Light Blue 35lb | MPN # 330074 SKU : WMF30
Whip Mix Flow Stone White 35lb | MPN # 330076 SKU : WMF34
Whip Mix Flow Stone Blue 35lb | MPN # 330070 SKU : WMF18
Whip Mix Flow Stone Light Green 35lb | MPN # 330075 SKU : WMF19
Description :
ISO Type 4
FlowStone produces accurate, bubble-free bases without vibration, making it ideal for use with base formers. Its extended working time allows the pouring of multiple bases with one mix. The dense surface resists dowel pin abrasion and the low setting expansion of FlowStone produces a dimensionally stable base for master models.
Available in white, buff, blue, light blue and light green to provide excellent contrast to die stones.
Physical Properties
Water/Powder Ratio
22-24 mL/100 g
Working Time
6-9 Minutes
Setting Time
12 minutes
Setting Expansion
Compressive Strength, Wet (1hr.)
6,000 psi (41 MPa)
Compressive Strength, Dry (48 hrs.)
12,000 psi (83 MPa)
ETD:------6 to 7 days